
A package for efficient1 likelihood evaluation and sampling for Multivariate Normal distributions where the covariance matrix:

The work of [Cheong, 2016], [Stegle et al., 2011] and [Gilboa et al., 2015] is extensively used.


base: Base class for problem formulation, taken from taralli. Likely to be removed in a future update.

utils: Utility functions for efficient linear algebra invovling tridiagonal and Kronecker product matrices.

loglikelihood: Functions for efficient loglikelihood evaluation.

kernels: Formulation of commonly used kernels.

sampling: Functions for efficient sampling.


Usage flowchart


In the general case, exact likelihood evaluation has O(N3) computational complexity and O(N2) memory requirements. The term “efficient” is used here to refer to the reduction of complexity and memory usage by utilizing the sparsity and Kronecker product structure of the covariance matrix.